Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Grades 2-12: Hank the Cowdog

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Videoconferencing from the Lone Star State!

Author John R. Erickson offers more dates for his Hank the Cowdog book series via video conferencing!

Hank the Cowdog
Grades 2-12

$225 per site (interactive)
(Includes 20 autographed books, student activities & classroom lesson)
$100 per site (view only)

Hank the Cowdog book cover

"It’s me again, Hank the Cowdog." Hank’s author, John R. Erickson, has been entertaining audiences with Hank programs for twenty-eight years, all the way from Fairbanks, Alaska, to Key West, Florida. Accompanying himself on the banjo, he sings songs from the Hank audio books and does readings from the stories (about sixty-five character voices). There is a reason why the Hank the Cowdog stories have sold more than 7.5 million copies: kids love to read them, even those who think they don't enjoy reading. John Erickson and Hank are sure to inspire your students to read!

Autographed books available for $5 each!
Download the order form at
http://www.connect2texas.net/Hank_the_Cowdog/ .

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