Below is a listing of the dates and topics
for our Fall Content for Students videoconferences.
We will send details, descriptions, and registration information in August.
September 23 - Idioms - grades 1-2
September 28 - Place Value and Number Sense - grades 2-3
October 7 - Ohio's Aviation Pioneers: True World Leaders - grade 4
October 9 - Life Cycles - grades 3-4
October 14 - Learning to Draw Conclusions - grades 2-3
October 21 - Falling for Autumn: Collecting and Classifying Leaves - grade 4
October 28 - Simple Machines Made Simple - grades 3-4
October 30 - Sound: Here, There, Everywhere! - grades 4-5
November 4 - The Water Cycle- grade 4
November 9 - Kids Rock! A Look at Rocks and Minerals - grades 3-5
November 18 - Animals Habitats - grades 3-5
November 23 - The Ancient Ohio Indians: Who Were They? - grade 4
December 14 and 15 - Christmas Around the World - grades K-2
Date TBD - Prelude to the Civil War: Slavery and States Rights- grades 5 & 8
1. Questions? Contact Bob Stricker at bob@soita.org or 937-746-6333.
2. Want to place a test call to SOITA? Dial
1. Questions? Contact Bob Stricker at bob@soita.org or 937-746-6333.
2. Want to place a test call to SOITA? Dial