VANDERBILT VIRTUAL SCHOOL announces a special “Remembering September 11” videoconference in the HOT TOPICS series for students in grades 6 -12 and college students.
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The HOT TOPICS videoconference series provides experts that will discuss currently hot and relevant topics in our culture. These cutting edge videoconferences of current interest provide up-to-date information on topics that are new, controversial or confusing. “Remembering September 11” is one of those cutting edge videoconferences!
Videoconference: “Remembering September 11” - www.vanderbilt.edu/virtualschool/catalog.htm#ht
Read more about “Remembering September 11” videoconference at: www.vanderbilt.edu/virtualschool/catalog.htm
Use the “Remembering September 11” Lesson Plan at www.vanderbilt.edu/virtualschool/programs/hot-topics/Sep11LessonPlan.htm
Presenter: Dr. James Booth, Vanderbilt University Professor of Political Science and Philosophy
Date: MONDAY September 10, 2007
Target Audience: Students in grades 6 -12 and college students
Time: 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL time) 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM (Eastern time)
Format: 45-minute videoconference, divided into a 30-minute presentation followed by 15-20 minute interactive Question and Answer session with students
Cost: $75 per site
Registration online at www.vanderbilt.edu/virtualschool/registration.htm
Questions: Call administrative assistant, Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email Chandra at chandra.allison@vanderbilt.edu
BEFORE the videoconference, students should prepare some advance questions to ask during the interactive question and answer period.
DESCRIPTION: “Remembering September 11”
In the early hours of September 11, 2001, students and teachers had just settled into a new school year when the day's tragic events began to unfold.
Now six years have passed since Americans heard those first unbelievable reports that a plane, and then another plane, had crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Soon this was followed by a crash from a hijacked Boeing 757 slamming into the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93 crashing in a field in southwest Pennsylvania.
For a generation of students who were not around when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated or when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, the events of that day in New York City, Washington, D.C., and a field in Pennsylvania are pivotal in their lives. The impact of September 11, 2001 will not be forgotten.
Join Dr. James Booth as he explores questions such as:
- Has the world become a safer or a more dangerous place since September 11, 2001?
- Have America's history of civil liberties eroded after September 11?
- Did the horrors and the human toll of that indelible, infamous day fundamentally change American life?
- HOW has society changed?
- What kind of psychological changes have the September 11 attacks brought?
- How did September 11 change our attitudes and behaviors?
- Have Americans adapted to living with terrorism while we continue the struggle to defeat it?