The Sweet Life of Lara Zeises
November 9, 2010 ❘ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
For Students in Grades 7-12
Open to MAGPI and Non-MAGPI Members
More Information/Registration:
Want to know the recipe for becoming a published author? Join award-winning young adult novelist Lara M. Zeises, author of The Sweet Life of Stella Madison, to find out what secret ingredient she credits for her success. Learn about her double life as Lola Douglas, the pseudonym she used to write True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet, and what it was like to have one of her books turned into a Lifetime movie. A self-proclaimed “pop culture dork,” Lara will also talk about how blogging has changed the way she approaches the writing process, and the impact that the explosion of social media has had on her both personally and professionally.
Your students are sure to respond to Lara’s warm, funny, and incredibly honest take on her “sweet life” as a working writer, and leave the session inspired to cook up some stories of their own!
Heather Weisse Walsh
MAGPI, Manager of Educational Services
phone: 215-573-6417
twitter: hlw2, magpik20
skype: hlweisse