This is John Haas from Cerritos College. My Megaconference presentation was on Burma with the Buddhist monks. On Tuesday April 29th, Professor Noam Chomsky will videoconference with the Global Consortium from MIT. This global dialog will take place from 1:45a.m-3:00(EST). I have included a flier as an attachment. I would like to extend an invitation to anyone who might be interested. It would be great to have some locations outside of the U.S. for this global discussion on Power, Politics, and Propaganda. If you are interested please contact Bernice Watson a.s.a.p to run a tech test:
watson@cerritos.edu. All other questions may be directed to me:
jhaas@cerritos.edu or
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky is a renowned professor of linguistics at MIT and is one of America’s most prominent political dissidents. He has authored over 90 books on linguistics, philosophy, intellectual history, international affairs, U.S. Foreign policy and propaganda and corporate media. His recent works include 9/11(Seven Stories Press, 2003), Pirates and Emperors, Old and New,(South End Press, 2003) and Power and Terror(Seven Stories Press). Other works include: Fateful Triangle(South End Press,1999), Chronicles of Dissent(Common Courage Press, 1992), Manufacturing Consent(Pantheon Books, 1988).