Join Philadelphia Orchestra Principal Bassoon Daniel Matsukawa, storyteller Michael Boudewyns, and teaching artist Mary Javian for an exciting program that will highlight the children’s book, A Chance to Shine. Designed to spark the imaginations of an elementary-age audience, this interactive performance emphasizes the importance of teamwork and encourages children (and adults!) to show respect through their actions and appreciate that every voice makes a difference. Through books and music, we will celebrate our individuality, diversity, and the fact that we’re each special in our own way.
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Hip Hop and Conflict ResolutionGrades 6-12May 19, 2009 * Multiple SessionsOpen and MAGPI Members with H.323 Videoconference CapabilitiesMore Information/Registration:
http://www.magpi.net/programs/hiphop.htmlHow can hip hop movement and break dancing contribute to conflict resolution? Join us for this engaging demonstration and virtual student workshop aimed at exploring the use of dance toward conflict resolution. The videoconference agenda will include a brief history of hip hop and ADHK artists will demonstrate locking, popping, up-rock & b-boy styles of break dancing. Participants will practice step-by-step breakdowns of the movements. Make sure you have plenty of space for students to move around! This project is brought to you by ArcheDream.
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Origins: Hour 2 – How Life Began. Part of the Science in the Cinema Project May 7 , 2009 * 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ETTarget Grade Levels: Grades 9-12Open to National Participation and MAGPI Members with H.323 Videoconference CapabilitiesMore information/Registration:
http://www.magpi.net/programs/sciencecinema.htmlJoin Dr. Dr. Chi-hua Chiu, Assistant Professor in the Department of Genetics at Rutgers University for a discussion about the origins of life. NOVA’s Origins: How Life Began provides the basis for the discussion. How did things go from non-living to living? How did it go from something that could not reproduce to something that could? Do we really know? Is there a recipe for life? Students should be familiar with the video and/or its content, and should prepare questions ahead of time for Dr. Chiu.
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CHARACTER EDUCATION: Understanding Girls’ Friendships and ConflictMay 6, 2009; 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. EDTGrades K-6 EducatorsOpen to National Participation and MAGPI Members with H.323 Videoconference CapabilitiesMore Information/Registration:
http://www.magpi.net/programs/girlsfriendships.htmlEducators are increasingly aware of and concerned about the impact of cliques and girls' unique ways of dealing with friendships, conflict and aggression on classroom dynamics, social interactions, and girls' social and emotional development. This presentation looks at psychological research, popular media portrayals, and teachers' experiences in examining gender differences in girls' and boys' friendships, schoolwork and play patterns. The implications for conflict resolution are explored as well as the developmental differences in expressions of anger and the roles girls assume. Character education strategies will be presented for educators to use in helping girls develop healthy relationships and prevent relational aggression. Expect to have small group discussions and report back to the videoconference audience of educators; appoint a note taker who will bring paper and pen to the videoconference. This event is a partnership between MAGPI and the National Liberty Museum.
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VRDL: Virtual Reality in YOUR Classroom Project (Grades 4-12 Educators; Higher Education Faculty)
Open to MAGPI Member InstitutionsFee: $375/pp (on site training)May 21st or 22nd, 2009
More Information/Registration:
http://www.magpi.net/programs/vrdl.htmlRegistration closes on May 8, 2009
Imagine exploring the ruins of Machu Picchu, or climbing down the strata of the Grand Canyon, or even exploring the vast reaches of space, without ever leaving your seat! Virtual reality allows kids of all ages to explore places - both real and imaginary - that they might not able to see in real life, and that they could certainly never see in the classroom. The Virtual Reality Development Lab (VRDL) represents the next step in bringing education and technology together. With the VRDL, students can not only explore the world of virtual reality, they can create their own "virtual worlds" while learning to use the cutting edge tools that they'll need in an increasingly techno-savvy society. MAGPI invites you to learn how to use the exciting new technology in your classroom or institution!
Heather Weisse Walsh
MAGPI Applications Coordinator
3401 Walnut Street, Suite 233A
Philadelphia, PA 19104
hweisse@magpi.netp: 215-573-6417
aim: magpik20