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We encourage you to use the lesson plans on the website for each videoconference to help prepare students for these sessions.
TARGET AUDIENCE: grades 5 - 12
TIME: Two sessions: 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM (central)
COST: $75 FORMAT: 45 minutes long; Format is 25-30 minutes for the presentation and 15-20 minutes for question and answer session with the students. Step back in time before the mid-1950's and 1960’s in the United States . Experience through this videoconference the amazing, historic, and terrifying time when schools for African American children were described as "equal" with those schools of white children. . . .but they were NOT. Think about what it would have felt like to be an African American student in an American school in the 1950's. . . think about being a student who was intelligent, hard-working, and African American. Think what it was like to have good teachers in your all-African American school but nothing else quite as good as in the white students' schools. Schools were often freezing in the winter. School books were old and worn and often “passed down” to the African American schools when the white schools discarded their books. Lab equipment was outdated or non-existent. Life in America in the 1950’s and much of the 1960’s was segregation. It was two worlds that were afraid of each other. There were separate schools for blacks and whites, separate restaurants, separate hotels, separate drinking fountains and separate baseball teams. Life was unkind to black people who tried to bring those worlds together. It could be hateful. Join former Nashville Vice-Mayor, Howard Gentry, as he shares personal stories about his life experiences in "Breaking the Color Barrier”.