Thursday, February 17, 2011

FREE Grades 7-12: Piracy in the Waters of Globalization

Piracy on the high seas has a long history going back at last a few centuries. During the last decade an increase in incidents of piracy has occurred off the Somali coast and other coasts in the Indian Ocean. Dr. Carolyn Nordstrom spent three years traveling around the world and tracking the routes of illegal trade and piracy. She sat on beaches and talked to pirates, observed traffic in major ports of Africa and Asia, and tracked the flow of goods around the world.

Join her, with your students, on February 23, 2011 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. in a discussion of “Piracy in the Waters of Globalization.” Please share this information with your Business, English, Foreign Language and Social Studies teachers and students.

Schools interested in participating in this informative current events program should contact my office by February 22nd.

Our program is sponsored by the Cleveland Council On World Affairs and is FREE to all participating schools.

John R. Ramicone

Distance Learning Director

