Thursday, January 13, 2011

Grades 3 & 5: Picasso & Minou

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The Grace Museum adds two reading programs for Grades 3 and 5.

Picasso and Minou bookcover

Picasso and Minou
5th Grade
$75.00 per site

Minou was a cat, and not supposed to know very much about art, but he knew what he liked and he didn’t like his friend’s sad blue paintings. The author P.I. Maltie will takes us to Paris, France to look into the life of young Pablo Picasso. This book, Picasso and Minou is the focus of our interactive lesson that will apply the important reading TEKS for 5th grade.

Applying Reading TEKS for 5th Grade
TEKS 5.9, 5.10, 5.11 and 5.12

When Pigasso Met Mootisse
3rd Grade
$75.00 per site

Enter the world of modern art through the characters in Nina Laden’s wonderful book, When Pigasso Met Mootise . What begins as a neighborly overture between two artists escalates into a monumental art mess! Go on this interactive adventure with us as we learn about Picasso and Matisse’s special relationship while applying the essential 3rd grade reading TEKS.

Applying Reading TEKS for 3rd Grade
TEKS 3.7, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11.

Pigasso Met Mootisse bookcover

Contact Miles Mayfield for more information and for other scheduling options.
Miles Mayfield
The Grace Museum
(325) 673-4587

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