WVIZ and NOTA in collaboration with the Cleveland Council on World Affairs would like to invite your teachers and students to participate in aFREE special distance learning presentation on Thursday, January 20th. Our program “Brazilian Youth Ambassadors” will give your students the opportunity to meet and interact with eight Brazilian high school students who are visiting Cleveland from January 12 through January 24. The Youth Ambassador program is aimed to enhance their students’ understanding of Social Justice and Volunteerism. The students were selected by their Embassy based on personality, academic performance, leadership skills, community involvement and volunteer experience. None of these students have traveled outside of Brazil prior to this trip.
Join us on the 20th and provide your students with an excellent opportunity to meet and talk with these students about the schools, life experiences and the community service and volunteer projects they are involved with in their respective high schools and cities in Brazil.
Please share this information with your English and Social Studies teachers and students. Schools interested in participating in this FREE program should contact my office by January 14th.
In addition to the distance learning connection, I also have 50 seats available for schools interested in bringing students directly to the Idea Center to participate as the in-house audience. If you are interested in bringing students to the Idea Center please contact my office as soon as possible. Reservations will be taken on a first call basis. As indicted in the attached flyer, a Brazilian film crew will be recording the in-house program. Schools bringing students to the Idea Center will need to fill out release forms for their respective students.
Do not miss this great opportunity for your students.