Monday, January 10, 2011

FREE Grades 7-12: Organ & Tissue Donation

WVIZ and Lifebanc will be hosting special distance programs providing teenagers information about organ and tissue donation. The first of these programs will be held on Thursday, January 27th.

Upon receiving their temporary license, a driver’s license or state identification card, teenagers and adults will be asked if they want to be an organ and tissue donor. Many teenagers may not understand the need for and benefits of organ and tissue donation and the impact donations has on people’s lives.

Through this special program, Lifebanc staff will provide factual information about organ, eye and tissue donation and explain the Ohio Donor Registry and how it is used. Students will learn about the organs and tissues that can be donated as well as the donation and organ placement processes.

Please share this information with your teachers and students and encourage them to participate in this important program. Do not miss the opportunity for your teachers and students to receive information about organ and tissue donations.

This is a FREE program sponsored by Lifebanc.

Schools interested in participating in this program should contact my office by January 24th.

Thank you.


John R. Ramicone

Distance Learning Director

