The KC3 (Kids Creating Community Content) Contest is specifically designed for students grades 6-12 and provides an opportunity for inquisitive learners to work within a project team, develop and fine-tune research skills, and then create an interactive presentation using technology as a tool. Below are some of the 75 submissions in this years KC3 program available to audience sites.
From Plants to Pants - Target Audience Grades 3-4 (ages 8-10) Surrounding our community are acres upon acres of cotton fields. Join us as we share about the appearance of cotton from the stalk, after ginning, and after becoming a fiber. Our listeners will have the opportunity to make their own cotton plant and to design their own pair of jeans. REGISTER for dates and times available: http://www.cilc.org/calendar_event_detail.aspx?id=294
The WASP of Word War II Target Audience Grades 3-4 (ages 8-10) The WASP of World War II were not your ordinary definition of WASP. Yes, they did have wings. Yes, they did fly through the sky. Yes, they were accompanied by a buzzing noise. But they were not insects capable of a nasty sting. The WASP of WWII were actually flying women. Let us take you on a trip with women pilots who trained just 7 miles from our small town of Roscoe, Texas. REGISTER for dates and times available: http://www.cilc.org/calendar_event_detail.aspx?id=295
An Eagle in the Water - Target Audience Grade 4-6 (ages 9-12) Learn about one of the most harrowing experiences in US military history. Just a few days after delivering the first atomic bomb to be used in combat, a torpedo struck the USS Indianapolis on July 30th 1945, and within 12 minutes the ship sank. Only 317 men aboard survived 5 nights and 4 days in the shark invested waters of the Philippine Sea. We will have this story recounted by one of its survivors, Seaman First Class- L.D. Cox, a former student of Sidney High School. REGISTER for dates and times available: http://www.cilc.org/calendar_event_detail.aspx?id=296
Spider Rock Treasure: The Mysteries Within Target Audience Grades 4-5 (ages 9-11) Would you be interested in discovering a hidden treasure? Explore the mysteries of the creators of Spider Rock in Central Texas. Go back in time and visit the towns where the Spider rocks were discovered. Learn about a mystery that has been going on for years without an answer. REGISTER for dates and times available: http://www.cilc.org/calendar_event_detail.aspx?id=297
Where Have All the Peanuts Gone? Target Audience Grades 3-5 (ages 8-11) Our community used to be the peanut capital of the southwest, and possibly of the United States. About 5 years ago, the peanut processors and farmers moved to West Texas. The effects this move has made on our community has been tremendous. Join us as we investigate the reasons for the decline of this product in this area and see how this small town has found other ways to bring in revenue. REGISTER for dates and times available: http://www.cilc.org/calendar_event_detail.aspx?id=298
American Indians; Survival Before the Bow and Arrow Target Audience Grades 3-5 (ages 8-11) The first Americans arrived in the New World equipped with the latest technology available, which enabled them to survive by hunting large animals at relatively long range. In the atlatl(arrowhead), they had an extremely effective weapon that allowed these hunters to throw a spear much farther than they could before, and with the force necessary to bring down large game. No one really knows how old this weapon system is, but it was in use around the world at least 20,000 years ago -- and stayed in use until relatively recent times of 700 years ago. Enthusiasts all over America search for "arrowheads." In this program, you will see that most "arrowheads" were never really "arrow" heads, but rather part of a much earlier weapon system used worldwide known as an Atlatl. You will learn what the atlatl is, and how it was used, as well as compare arrowheads to atlatl dart points. REGISTER for dates and times available: http://www.cilc.org/calendar_event_detail.aspx?id=299
Rosie The Riveter Target Audience Grades 3-5 (ages 8-11) Our topic deals with the changes women had to make during World War II when the men went to war. Specifically, Rosie the Riveter, and women in industry taking the place of men. We will show the various jobs, trials and tribulations of women entering the world of work and changes in society. REGISTER for dates and times available: http://www.cilc.org/calendar_event_detail.aspx?id=300
Black Gold in Boomtown Breckenridge Target Audience Grades 4-7 (ages 9-13) For most people, the smell of rotten eggs is a disgusting and revolting sensation. But for us, it smells like home. Come and experience life in a boomtown with an oil/gas economy that affects the daily lives of millions of people. We will share with students the process of oil/gas creation, drilling, refining, and consumption. We will do this from the viewpoint of a town that has ridden the oil economy up and down for almost 100 years. We hope to share with others how our everyday life based on oil & gas effect millions of people outside of our little town. REGISTER for dates and times available: http://www.cilc.org/calendar_event_detail.aspx?id=280
Backwoods of Alabama Target Audience Grades 4-6 (ages 9-12) The beautiful, natural resources of rural Alabama often lead to interests in nature and outdoor recreation. Join this group of sixth grade boys as they describe growing up in the deep south and learning to fish and hunt at an early age! Students will share their experiences and knowledge of fishing and hunting game (deer, squirrels, and turkey). Students will provide an overview of life in rural Alabama, focusing on the natural resources that provide outdoor recreational opportunities in the community. REGISTER for dates and times available http://www.cilc.org/calendar_event_detail.aspx?id=263
Bev Mattocks
Consultant / Project Manager
Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC)
Transforming Learning Through Collaborative Technologies
251 E. Ohio Street, Suite 960
Indianapolis, IN 46204
765.435.2360 office
765.366.1815 cell