Thursday, February 24, 2011

Grades 1-5: BATS: Live on the BIG Screen

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Videoconferencing from the Lone Star State!

Texas Wildlife Association


BATS: Live on the BIG Screen
Grades 1-5
$70 per site

Thursday, March 3
9:00-9:50 CST
10:30-11:20 CST
12:45-1:35 CST
2:00-2:50 CST
This interactive presentation allows students the opportunity to investigate the relationship between the anatomy and the ecology, including the dietary habits, of different species of bats. An experience you will not want to miss. LIVE bats take part in this program! Look at their transparent wings, learn how a free-tailed bat gets its name, and watch them munch down on mealworms!

Urban Animal Encounters: Skunks and Armadillos!
Grades 1-5
$70 per site

Thursday, March 10
9:00-9:50 CST
10:30-11:20 CST
12:45-1:35 CST
2:00-2:50 CST

Meet the nine-banded armadillo and the striped skunk. Although their natural defense behaviors are beneficial to them in the wild, these same behaviors do not fare well with their urban cohabitants. Most people cannot help but turn up their noses when they think about these two animals, but after our class, we hope your feelings change. Join us as we clear up some common untruths and add clarity to their adaptations with the help of Dug and Segonku, our friendly guest stars!

Segonku the skunkDug the armadillo

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