Does Climate Change Equal Global Catastrophe? Grades 9-12March 18, 2009 * 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ETOpen to Non-MAGPI and MAGPI MembersMore Information/Registration: http://www.magpi.net/programs/sciencecinema.html
Part of the Science in the Cinema project! Join Dr. David Robinson, Chairman of the Department of Geography at Rutgers University and New Jersey 's State Climatologist for a discussion on the facts and fiction of Climate Change. Scenarios presented in the movie, A Day After Tomorrow, will serve as a starting point for the discussion. Students should be familiar with the movie, (at minimum, the portions listed below) and should prepare questions ahead of time for Dr. Robinson.
Heather Weisse Walsh
MAGPI Applications Coordinator
3401 Walnut Street, Suite 233A
Philadelphia, PA 19104
e: hweisse@magpi.net
p: 215-573-6417
aim: magpik20
MAGPI Applications Coordinator
3401 Walnut Street, Suite 233A
Philadelphia, PA 19104
e: hweisse@magpi.net
p: 215-573-6417
aim: magpik20