Program Flyer: Passage to Hope: Stories of Immigration
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HEC-TV 2007-08 Honorable Mention
Helen Headrick
8390 Delmar Blvd
Suite 211
St Louis, MO 63124
United States
Phone: (314) 432-3476
Education: Grade(s): 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
The story of America is a story of immigration. From our first colonial settlers through the wave of 19th century immigrants to the 20th century refugees from war and famine to those still coming today, the desire to build a better life has motivated millions to our shores. What does it mean to be an immigrant? What forces compel you to embark on an uncertain journey? What is life like in a new and strange country? To complement your students’ study of historic periods of immigration, cultural diversity, or recent world history, we invite you to hear directly from recent immigrants to St. Louis. In this program, you and your students will have the opportunity to hear first person histories of what it means to be an immigrant to America. Meet recent immigrants to St. Louis who have come from Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Compare their stories to your study of those of others who arrived in previous periods of immigration. What characteristics are similar and what characteristics are unique? What general conclusions can you then make about the reasons for, and processes of, immigration to America? How do the new immigrants contribute to the cultural, political and economic life of America today? How is that similar to, or different from, previous historic periods of immigration? How does hearing stories from these new immigrants increase our understanding of different cultures? How does learning first-hand about their reasons for coming increase our understanding of recent world troubled areas and crises? Meet representatives from The International Institute, a St. Louis organization helping immigrants with their transition to their new life here. How is their work today similar to, or different from, how private and government institutions provided assistance in the past? What are the greatest areas of difficulty as immigrants begin to assimilate into their new environment? How do they help immigrants balance traditions of their culture with demands of their new life? Ask you questions. Hear the stories. Join this compelling discussion of the most recent chapter of America’s story of immigration.
60 minutes
All times below are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, as specified in your profile.
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
There is NO CHARGE for this program.
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This update is from the Center for Interactive Learning & Collaboration (CILC)
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
There is NO CHARGE for this program.
Please let us know of any need to cancel as soon as you know.
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This update is from the Center for Interactive Learning & Collaboration (CILC)