Lincoln and Darwin Chat with Dr Ellen Censky
(Appropriate for MS & HS Audiences)
Join Dr Ellen Censky, VP of education, exhibits and research at theMilwaukee Public Museum to discuss and celebrate the 200th birthday ofAbraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin in a Chat with the Museum Expertprogram, on February 12th, 2009.In this interactive chat session, students step back in time to becomeacquainted with Lincoln and Darwin on their 200th birthday, February12th. Discover Abraham Lincoln's favorite hobby that even as a childgot him in trouble and how Charles Darwin's hobby took him on a fiveyear field trip. Participants will compare and contrast these two amazing men with DrCensky through a variety of focus questions. Discussion worksheetsprovided will guide classroom discussions followed by a largerround-table discussion with all participants during this multi-pointsession.Each session is limited to five schools and will be booked on a firstcome first serve basis. First session is 9:00 am - 10:00 central time second session 10:15 to11:15 central. To book your classes contact Gaye-Lynn Clyde at clyde@mpm.edu or414-278-6146. This session is free and is filling fast.