Celebrate President's Day!
February 6, 2009
9:00 - 9:30 AM CST
Grades 1st - 10th
Cost: FREE!
Cost: FREE!
In honor of President’s Day and in celebration of the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, visit the galleries of the Amon Carter Museum for a lively discussion of the Emancipation Proclamation and how it relates to the museum’s landmark sculpture The Freedman (1863) by John Quincy Adams Ward. Students will also view and discuss other prints and photographs with connections to Abraham Lincoln.
This program is offered FREE for everyone outside of Texas and all Texas schools that connect through their local Education Service Center video conferencing network. Most sites will be "view only."
This program is offered FREE for everyone outside of Texas and all Texas schools that connect through their local Education Service Center video conferencing network. Most sites will be "view only."
To register click on this link:http://www.connect2texas.net/Connect2Texas_pages/register_begin.asp?eventID=2417
Registration deadline: Feb. 4th!
To register go to http://www.connect2texas.net/ .
To be removed from this listserv e-mail either Laurie Hogle lhogle@esc11.net or Lori Hamm lhamm@esc11.net . Connect2Texas is a service offered by Education Service Center Region XI
Registration deadline: Feb. 4th!
To register go to http://www.connect2texas.net/ .
To be removed from this listserv e-mail either Laurie Hogle lhogle@esc11.net or Lori Hamm lhamm@esc11.net . Connect2Texas is a service offered by Education Service Center Region XI
3001 North Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76106(817) 740-3625