Wednesday, January 4, 2012

FREE Virtual Surgies and more with the Cleveland Clinic

The Cleveland Clinic Office of Civic Education Initiatives offers state-of-the-art distance learning courses that puts a world of educational opportunities within reach. Designed to promote learning in the areas of math, science, health and wellness, the arts, and innovation, these programs offer real-time presentations easily paired with your existing curricula.

The Cleveland Clinic Office of Civic Education Initiatives is pleased to present the distance learning schedule for second semester, school year 2011/12 for middle and high school students.  

Some of you have already signed up and we thank you.  Please check your calendars for applicable dates/times.  

If you have not signed up, please review the sessions including the Bioethics Courses that will be offered this semester. 

Here is the registration link for ALL programs:

The bridging connection for ALL distance learning programs will be handled through eTECH Ohio.  

Thank you for your interest in our distance learning programs and the opportunity to enrich the classroom learning experiences for you and your students.


Programs taken from the survey link above...

Distance Learning Sessions

1. All broadcasts will last approximately 60 minutes.

Bioethics Distance Learning Sessions

Bioethics is the branch of ethics that studies problems that arise in life sciences, medicine, and biotechnology. In collaboration with the Department of Bioethics, the Office of Civic Education Initiatives offers the following distance learning sessions listed below. 
2. All broadcasts will last approximately 60 minutes.