Monday, January 2, 2012

Free Gr 3-5 Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. & His Legacy

Who was a father, a minister, an advisor to Presidents, and a Civil Rights leader? Martin Luther King, Jr., of course! We celebrate his legacy every January on Martin Luther King Day. In this program students will learn about King's important role in America's Civil Rights Movement by analyzing photographs and documents held at the National Archives.
Register: or click here

Target Audience: Grades 3-5
Date: Friday, Jan. 13
Time: 10:00-10:45 EST/ 9:00-9:45 CST
Cost: FREE (most sites will be view only)

Lori Hamm-Neckar
Distance Learning Technician
Region Eleven Telecommunications Network (RETN)
Education Service Center Region XI
3001 North Freeway | Fort Worth Texas 76106