Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grades 9-12: Climate Change

It is with great excitement that we bring these next two events to our partner schools. The Centre for Global Education is the only non-University educational site hosting events and the only high school site ever host part of this event. Join us as two leading experts in the field of Afghanistan and Climate Change address these most pressing issues.

Both events are open to students from Grade 9 to 12. Schools may sign up for one or both. There is a maximum of six schools each.

Event #1: Canada in Afghanistan: Current Challenges, Future Prospects

Brigadier-General John Vance; Rhonda Gossen

Tuesday, February 2

10:00 AM – 11:20 AM

One of Canada’s top general will discuss the future role of Canada and NATO forces in Afghanistan: the hopes, the successes and the dissappointements

Event #2: A Report Back From the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen

Geert De Cock

February 4

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

As part of the Canadian delegation to the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, a PhD student, and Belgium natice, Geert has a unique and powerful message for youth around the world on the UN conference, the aftermath and where future may find us

Please contact me if you are interested in joining us. As space is limited, sessions will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

Terry Godwaldt

Director of Programming

The Centre for Global Education

Edmonton, AB Canada
