Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grades 7-9: Vibrations and Waves: The Science of Sound from CIM

CIM Distance Learning requests your assistance in evaluating two new video conference classes for middle school students:

Vibrations: the Science of Sound
We hear sound because of vibration.
A violin only has four strings which vibrate to produce sound, but a violin can play more than four notes.
How is this possible?
Through experimentation and discovery students examine that question.
Frequency, amplitude and types of energy are defined and explored.
This is a 45 minute, live, interactive video conference.
Waves: the Science of Sound
Sound waves move quickly.
Sound waves move things.
Sound waves bend around corners.
Sound waves reflect.
Sound waves transfer energy.
Students discover different types of waves and their movements.
They explore transfers of energy and learn about measuring wave speed and harmonics.
This is a 45 minute, live, interactive video conference.

Before February 28, 2010, receive either or both of these classes for FREE by contacting:

Greg Howe, Director of Distance Learning
The Cleveland Institute of Music
Phone: 216-368-1052

 These new classes are replacing our popular Science of Sound series.
 The new classes are designed to be “stand alone” presentations but can also be taken in sequence.
 They have been authored to conform to national middle school science standards.
 To receive the free classes, you must agree to complete both teacher and student evaluations of the presentations.
 Classes must be delivered to your school by the end of February 2010.
 Teacher documentation (in PDF electronic format) will be sent upon your response.
 Classroom experiments and project materials will be mailed upon scheduling a session.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Greg Howe, Director of Distance Learning
The Cleveland Institute of Music
Phone: 216-368-1052