Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grades 7-12: Artificial Limbs for Real People

2009-10 WVIZ ideastream
& Great Lakes Science Center
Special FREE Distance
Learning Presentation

“BioMed Tech: Engineering for Your Health”

Topic: “Artificial Limbs for Real People”

In recognition of National Engineers Week, discover how a local prosthetic and pedorthic clinician improves quality of life for patients with amputations and congenital limb loss by integrating science, technology, and art to create prosthetic limbs.

Presenter: David Garcia, LP, Lped, Prosthetist,
Manuel Garcia Prosthetic and Orthotic Centers ( or i-LIMB at

Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Time: 10:00 to 11:00 AM (EST)

Audience: High School and Middle Schools

Recommended for learners in Grades 7-12, the BioMed Tech Distance Learning Series is designed to stimulate interest in biomedical technology and engineering careers and foster an appreciation and understanding of regionally developed medical advances. Aligned with the Ohio Department of Education Science, Mathematics, and Technology Content Standards and the National Science Education Standards, each program will emphasize biomedical technology and engineering careers, scientific processes, and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) content.

Transmission Modes: NOTA and State IP Network

Schools interested in participating in FREE this educational opportunity should contact John Ramicone at 216-916-6360 or by February 10th.

Thank you.