Special Event Partnerships: BillHyche, Setting and Achieving Goals
November 15, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST (8 slots)
Cost: Free, compliments of Polycom, Inc.
Grades: 9th – 12th
Live and archive streaming: Visit streaming.bcisd.org and login (polycom) and password (special) to access the live streaming or the archive.
Partners: Author coordination/liaison: Elaine Shuck, Polycom, Inc. and Sue Porter, Web registration: Janine Lim, Berrien County ISD, Bridging: Arnie Comer, Macomb ISD.
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will do.” Wizard of Oz Join us for this exciting and rewarding discussion on goal-setting and discover:
Why should I set goals?
How to set goals that both inspire me and are attainable
How to effectively plan and live out the goals that I have set
Register by completing the online form. Please make sure you can commit to the work necessary to prepare for this program before registering your class. Questions? Email sporter4@comcast.net.
November 15, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST (8 slots)
1 Berrien County, MI
2 Macomb ISD, MI
3 South Dakota
4 Open
5 Open
6 Open
7 Open
8 Open