Student Created Community Content Contest
Organize a team of middle or high school students and create an engaging and dynamic videoconference content program about your community to be offered to classrooms nationally. This standards based project seeks to tap into the creative nature of students as they look at their community with new eyes and explore ways to share their findings with others using videoconferencing and technology as a resource. Deadline for Student Content Program Proposals - November 1, 2007For more information and project details visit http://kc3.cilc.org/
Contact Bev at bmattocks@cilc.org or (765) 435-2360
Organize a team of middle or high school students and create an engaging and dynamic videoconference content program about your community to be offered to classrooms nationally. This standards based project seeks to tap into the creative nature of students as they look at their community with new eyes and explore ways to share their findings with others using videoconferencing and technology as a resource. Deadline for Student Content Program Proposals - November 1, 2007For more information and project details visit http://kc3.cilc.org/
Contact Bev at bmattocks@cilc.org or (765) 435-2360