Special Event Partnerships: SueStauffacher, Nothing But Trouble
March 12, 12:00-1:00 EST (Group 1)
March 12, 1:30-2:30 EST (Group 2)
Cost: Free, compliments of Polycom, Inc.
Grades: 2-4 Live and archive streaming: Visit streaming.bcisd.org and login (polycom) and password (special) to access the live streaming or the archive. Partners: Author coordination/liaison: Elaine Shuck, Polycom, Inc. and Sue Porter, Web registration: Janine Lim, Berrien County ISD, Bridging: Arnie Comer, Macomb ISD. ASK (“Authors Specialist and Knowledge”) is an organized process that provides students with the opportunity to interview an author or a subject specialist in the topic they are reading about in a novel. The program uses excellent literature, journal writing and interviewing to promote reading for understanding. Required Book: Nothing But Trouble Register by completing the online form.
Berrien County Intermediate School District
711 St. Joseph Avenue
Berrien Springs MI 49103
711 St. Joseph Avenue
Berrien Springs MI 49103