Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NORT2H Virtual College Tour

The virtual college tour is a two-day videoconference event that offers middle school and high school students the opportunity to visit several colleges in one or two days. Each hour of the virtual college tour dedicates time to one college or university to provide schools an overview of their institution and allow students to ask questions that are important to them. In collaboration with eTech Ohio, 15-25 schools are connected into one large videoconference, which is facilitated by the staff of the Northern Ohio Research & Training Technology Hub (NORT2H). Enrolled classes will watch a presentation by the college/university representative for 20 minutes leaving 40 minutes for Q & A. The program facilitator goes from school to school allowing each site to ask a question to the college/university.

Dates: November 21st and 22nd
Times: 9:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Participating Colleges: Akron University, Bowling Green State University, Hocking College, Kent State University, Lorain County Community College, Ohio State University, Ohio University, University of Cincinnati, Wright State University and Youngstown State University

Registration is done online at by selecting the registration link in the navigation on the right of the page.

Cost: $50.00 per school for one day or $75.00 per school for both days
There is no cost for NORT2H or NOTA schools.

Please make your Purchase orders out to:
The ESC of Lorain County
1885 Lake Avenue
Elyria, Ohio 44035

Questions regarding the event can be directed to Paul Hieronymus, or 440.324.3172 option #2.