Saturday, October 15, 2011

Gr 2-5 Introduce students to brass, string, woodwind & percussion instruments

Connect2Texas introduces NEW provider the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. The Dallas Symphony Orchestra offers interactive performances by various ensembles featuring different instruments in the orchestra. Teachers can choose from brass, string, woodwind, or percussion ensembles. Each ensemble is comprised of world-famous musicians who introduce their instruments to the class, perform an engaging variety of repertoire, and interact directly with students.

pertoire in contrasting styles is performed as individual brass instruments are discussed and demonstrated.

Title: Symphony YES! Woodwind Quintet
Target Audience: Grades 2-4
Cost: $125
Date: Friday, November 11
Times: 9:00-9:40 or 9:45-10:25 CST
Description: Five members from the Dallas Symphony Orchestra provide students with an interactive introduction to woodwind instruments. A wide range of repertoire in contrasting styles is performed as individual instruments are discussed and demonstrated.

Title: Symphony YES! String Quintet
Target Audience: Grades 4-5
Cost: $125
Date: Friday, December 9
Times: 9:30-10:15 or 10:30-11:15 CST
Description: Five members from the Dallas Symphony Orchestra provide students with an interactive introduction to the versatile string instruments. A wide range of repertoire in contrasting styles is performed as individual string instruments are discussed and demonstrated.

Materials: Music Fun Facts available at
To find out more about Connect2Texas providers offering content enhancement and professional development programs

Lori Hamm-NeckarDistance Learning Technician
Region Eleven Telecommunications Network (RETN)
O: (817) 740-7516 | C: (817) 291-3748 |

Education Service Center Region XI
3001 North Freeway | Fort Worth Texas 76106