Monday, September 26, 2011

FREE Special WVIZ and U.S. Attorney's Office Town Hall Meeting on "BULLYING"

Recent studies have shown about 1 in every 7 students between kindergarten through
12th grade is either a bully or is a victim of a bully. It’s not happening in the shadows
– more than half of all students have witnessed bullying taking place at their school.
The growth of smart phones and social media has given rise to cyber-bullying,
making it even harder for students to find refuge from torment.

We know the negative impact this has on students, both short-term and long-term.
Students find reasons to avoid school and have trouble focusing while in class. They
are filled with fear, anger and shame. In some cases, kids have been driven to take
their own lives.

On Oct. 20, Steven M. Dettelbach, United States Attorney for the Northern District of
Ohio, and Catherine Criswell, Director of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office
of Civil Right in Cleveland, will sponsor a town hall meeting to discuss the social,
legal and psychological impacts of bullying. The session is targeted at students. It will
feature students who have endured and overcome bullying, with a focus on finding
solutions to eliminating this all-too-common problem.

This session will be interactive, allowing viewers and attendees to participate via
e-mail and text messaging. Join us for this FREE program and plan to have your
students participate in what will be a very dynamic and educational presentation.

Date: Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011

Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Schools interested in participating in this FREE educational opportunity should contact
John Ramicone at 216-916-6360 or by October 14th.