Friday, September 30, 2011

Free gr 6-7 Deadly Writing: Exploring the Process of Writing Historical FIction with Author Julie Chibbaro!!

Julie Chibbaro, author of Deadly, will talk about the writing process, and how she writes historical fiction. She will tell how her idea for her latest novel was born, and the challenges of using real science and real people in her work.

Deadly Writing: Exploring the Process of Writing Historical FIction with Author Julie Chibbaro!!
Tuesday October 18, 2011
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM EDT 
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT 
Targeted for students in grades 6-7

In this presentation, students will be taken back to New York City in 1906, where they will follow an epidemic of typhoid fever. Through the diary of 16-year-old Prudence Galewski, they’ll find out how one girl helped solve one of the greatest medical mysteries of the twentieth century and learn the story of the infamous ‘Typhoid Mary.’ Using photos and writing prompts, Julie will show students how to write their own diaries, and how to think about history as a living story that will one day become theirs. Students will even have a chance to get a jumpstart on their own diairies through an interactive writing exercise! Discussion and a question and answer session will round out this exciting interactive author event!
MAGPI is pleased to partner with JKS Communications to bring our members this exciting event.

Videoconference Outline

  • Welcome to all sites (5 minutes)
  • Introduction to the Author (5 minutes)
  • About Deadly and The Diary Form (10 minutes)
  • Diary Writing Quick Write (5 minutes)
  • Read Alouds from Students with Feedback (10 mins)
  • The Historical Fiction Novel Process (10 mins)
  • Question and Answer (13 minutes)
  • Wrap-Up (2 mins)

Pre-Videoconference Activities

  • Pre-Reading: Students will have a fuller and more meaningful experience if they read Deadly before the event. Deadly can be ordered at a 40% discount from
  • Optional Pre-Writing ActivityHistory as Memory Exercise Prompt: “How many of you think you have a great memory? Let’s see!” Play the memory game – and see how history can change depending on who is telling it. (This game is similar to the telephone game). Break class into groups of six students. Have everybody think about one thing from their past. First person whispers it to the next, next repeats it, adds something, third repeats the two things, adds another, fourth goes, fifth, until the sixth person must write down all six facts (with no help from the others!). See how accurate your memory is. Using this experiment, have students write a short paragraph about the best thing that ever happened to them, and then how that experience might look to other people involved (for example, the day you got your first kitten, what it was like, etc. Then, from your mother’s perspective – she started sneezing and couldn’t stop all day!)

About Julie Chibbaro

Julie Chibbaro is the author of Deadly (Atheneum/Simon & Schuster 2011), a medical mystery about the hunt for Typhoid Mary. Deadly, Chibbaro’s second novel, has received excellent reviews from such journals as The New York Times, Kirkus Reviews, School Library Journal, Booklist, Historical Novels Review, The New York Journal of Books,, and