Content Provider | HEC-TV | |||||||||||||||||||||
Contact Information | Helen Headrick 3655 Olive St St Louis, MO 63108 United States Phone: (314) 531-4455 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Program Type | Individual Program | |||||||||||||||||||||
Program Rating | This program has not yet been evaluated. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Target Audience | Education: Grade(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Adult Learners, Public Library: Library Patrons | |||||||||||||||||||||
Maximum Number of Participants | For optimum interactivity, we recommend no more than two classes combined. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Minimum Number of Participants | There is no minimum number required for participation. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Primary Disciplines | Community Interests, Social Studies/History | |||||||||||||||||||||
Secondary Disciplines | Career Education | |||||||||||||||||||||
Program Description | What is it like to be in the military? What is it like to fight in combat and to return home from war? What does it mean to have served your nation in its armed forces? On this Veterans Day, as we remember those who have fought and died for our country’s freedoms, take your study of the history of America in war to the veterans who fought in them. Ask these questions and more as you interact with veterans from World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and the current war in Iraq/Afghanistan. Take a step back into history with those who lived and fought during these important moments in American life. What was the mood of the country as America entered the war after Pearl Harbor? How did that event inspire one young man to leave high school early and enlist? What was it like to serve in the Coast Guard and save American victims of German submarine attacks? What would cause a young woman in St. Louis to join the Marine Reserves during the Korean conflict? What was it like to be a woman in the military at this time? During the turbulent 1960’s as Americans wrestled with the war in Vietnam, why did a young man choose to enlist and fight so far from home? What was it like to live on a Navy vessel and come under enemy fire? As America countered Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, how did one young Marine react to being on the front lines of that conflict? What was it like to live in a foxhole, search enemy foxholes for soldiers and weapons, and to fight in a field of landmines? And in the recent conflict in Iraq, what was it like to be serving in the National Guard when your nation called on you to lead a platoon of soldiers charged with identifying and disarming IEDs? Our focus in this program will not be exploring the historic details of a specific war or battle in that war, but it will be to provide students the rare and important opportunity to speak directly with those who have served our country in its armed forces and learn first hand what that means. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Program Format | The videoconference program will consist of the following segments. 1. Welcome and Introduction—Student groups and experts will be introduced and welcomed to the program. 2. Interaction with the Veterans—Students will hear directly from individuals who have fought in recent wars of American history and have the opportunity to ask each of them questions. Once you have enrolled for the program, we will send you the list of veterans joining us for your program. This list will include brief biographical information including the war they served in and how they served. Please use this information to help your students develop questions for the program. 3. Closing Segment--Including summary of topics discussed and final questions from students. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Objectives | 1. The participant will gain a greater understanding of what it means to live and fight in wartime. 2. The participant will interact with individuals providing primary source accounts of recent world events. 3. The participant will meet people and hear stories from diverse perspectives. | |||||||||||||||||||||
National Standards to which this program aligns | Featured National Standards (History): Grades 5-12: Historical Thinking Standards 2. Historical Comprehension B. Reconstruct the literal meaning of a historical passage by identifying who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what events led to these developments, and what consequences or outcomes followed. C. Identify the central question(s) the historical narrative addresses and the purpose, perspective, or point of view from which it has been constructed. F. Appreciate historical perspectives--(a) describing the past on its own terms, through the eyes and experiences of those who were there, as revealed through their literature, diaries, letters, debates, arts, artifacts, and the like; (b) considering the historical context in which the event unfolded--the values, outlook, options, and contingencies of that time and place; and (c) avoiding “present-mindedness,” judging the past solely in terms of present-day norms and values. 4. Historical Research Capabilities A. Formulate historical questions from encounters with historical documents, eyewitness accounts, letters, diaries, artifacts, photos, historical sites, art, architecture, and other records from the past. B. Obtain historical data from a variety of sources, including: library and museum collections, historic sites, historical photos, journals, diaries, eyewitness accounts, newspapers, and the like; documentary films, oral testimony from living witnesses, censuses, tax records, city directories, statistical compilations, and economic indicators. 5. Historical Issues—Analysis and Decision-Making A. Identify issues and problems in the past and analyze the interests, values, perspectives, and points of view of those involved in the situation. | |||||||||||||||||||||
State/Regional Standards to which this program aligns | Featured State Standards (Missouri): Schools from across the country are invited to join in the program. Missouri state standards are provided for Missouri schools since partial funding for this program comes from Missouri organizations. Show Me Performance Standards: Goal 1 – 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 Goal 2 - 1, 2, 4, 7 Goal 3 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Goal 4 - 1, 5, 6 Social Studies Knowledge Standards - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Communication Knowledge Standards - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Program Length | 60 minutes | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dates/Times |
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Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees | Interactive Cost: $0.00 View Only Cost: $0.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Program Fee Notes | There is NO CHARGE for this program. |