If you know us, you know that our most popular and award winning programs are Mushing Alaska and Meet a Musher. This year we are providing special multi-point programs for each of these events each month. But you will not want to miss out on this month's special Multi-Point MEET A MUSHER, as we introduce our newest and youngest member of the sled dog mushing group. This program is great for kicking off a unit on Iditarod, Alaska or studies in culture and lifestyle, or goal setting. Students will get a chance to follow the young 13 year old musher in his first year of preparing and racing the Junior Iditarod with his 8 dogs.
-Cost: $100
-Grades: Recommended 1-12 (See session times for each grade level: http://www.kigluaitadventures.com/monthlymultipoint)
-Standards: Health/ Character Traits (problem Solving, goal setting),
Math (Addition, Subtraction), Social Studies (Climate and cultures)
-Date/ Time: September 9th, Registration Deadline is September 8th
**Session 1: 7:00-8:00 Alaska Time (8:00-9:00 Pacific)
(9:00-10:00 Mtn)(10:00-11:00Central)(11:00-12:00 Eastern)
**Session 2: 8:15-9:15 Alaska Time (9:15-10:15 Pacific)
(10:15-11:15 Mtn)(11:15-12:15 Central)(12:15-1:15 Eastern)
**Session 3: 9:30-10:30 Alaska Time (10:30-11:30 Pacific)
(11:30-12:30 Mtn)(12:30-1:30 Central)(1:30-2:30 Eastern)
**Session 4: 10:45-11:45 Alaska Time (11:45-12:45 Pacific)
(12:45-1:45 Mtn)(1:45-2:45 Central)(2:45-3:45 Eastern)
Registration: Go to http://www.kigluaitadventures.com/multipointmonthreg
Read More: http://www.kigluaitadventures.com/monthlymultipoint
For more information: Contact Christina Hum chum@kigluaitadventures.com
Last Day to Register: September 8th, 2010
Christina Hum
"Adventure, Discovery, Learning: Education for Life"
Kigluait Educational Adventures