Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gold Fever! Create a Community, Resolve a Crime!

Conflict on the Klondike! A miner is accused of Claim- Jumping. Can you help resolve the conflict by participating in a
miner's meeting? Join classes as they investigate the clues at a gold rush mining camp while learning about conflict resolution, brushing up on math skills such as volume, and investigating the history of the gold rush. This program will provide a great example and purpose for classroom community building making it a great way to kick off your
school year.
-Cost: $100
-Grades: 1-12 (See session times for each grade level:
-Standards: Health/ Character Traits (Conflict Resolution), Math (Apply problem solving skills, volume, addition, subtraction), Social Studies (Climate and cultures)

Date/ Time: September 16th,
Registration Deadline is September 13th

**Session 1: 7:00-8:00 Alaska Time (8:00-9:00 Pacific)
(9:00-10:00 Mtn)(10:00-11:00Central)(11:00-12:00 Eastern)
**Session 2: 8:15-9:15 Alaska Time (9:15-10:15 Pacific)
(10:15-11:15 Mtn)(11:15-12:15 Central)(12:15-1:15 Eastern)
**Session 3: 9:30-10:30 Alaska Time (10:30-11:30 Pacific)
(11:30-12:30 Mtn)(12:30-1:30 Central)(1:30-2:30 Eastern)
**Session 4: 10:45-11:45 Alaska Time (11:45-12:45 Pacific)
(12:45-1:45 Mtn)(1:45-2:45 Central)(2:45-3:45 Eastern)

Registration: Go to
Read More:
For more information: Contact Christina Hum

Last Day to Register: September 16th, 2010
Christina Hum
"Adventure, Discovery, Learning: Education for Life"
Kigluait Educational Adventures