Don't miss the May 11th LIVE WEBSTREAM of "Supreme Decision" - - An Event with Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Pennsylvania First Lady Judge Marjorie O. Rendell
Supreme Decision
A Conversation with Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Judge Marjorie O. Rendell
Date: May 11, 2010
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Live Webstream URL:
(Click on the live webstream link under "Resources." To view this Internet webcast, your computer must have Adobe Flash 10)
Join Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Judge Marjorie O. Rendell and six Pennsylvania middle schools for this unique, interactive civics program!
Our Courts is a web-based education project designed to reinvigorate civics. Spearheaded by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the project aims to provide digital learning tools that make civics engaging and relevant for middle school students. Our Courts’ first online game, Supreme Decision, explores a student’s 1st Amendment rights in school. Ben Brewer was recently suspended for wearing his favorite rock t-shirt to school – against dress policy. Ben’s case goes all the way to the Supreme Court, and in the game, the Justices are split 4 – 4. Players hear a series of arguments, navigate a series of challenges, and help their Justice cast the deciding vote!
During this interactive videoconference program, students from 5 middle school classrooms will help decide Ben’s fate. Prior to the videoconference, each classroom will play Supreme Decision and determine whether Ben’s suspension was justified or if his 1st Amendment rights were violated. In the videoconference, each classroom will announce its final decision and debate issues raised by the case. After all presentations are complete, Justice O’Connor and Judge Rendell will provide feedback to the students. The end of the interactive program will be dedicated to a question and answer session between the participating schools, Justice O'Connor and Judge Rendell.
We hope you can 'tune in!' If you have any questions, please contact If you need technical support during the webcast, please contact