Monday, March 23, 2009

Grades 9-12: Nanotechnology: What Is It & What Does it Mean for US? **FREE**

Join The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History's annual nationwide celebration of nanotechnology education and outreach.
Nanotechnology…what is it and what does it mean for us?

Friday April 3rd 1:30 - 2:00 PM CST
Grades 9th - 12th

The first 4 sites to register will be interactive sites which can send questions. All other sites will be view only.

Click here to register now!
Deadline for registration: Friday, March 27

We invite you to join Dr. Aaron Pan, the Museum’s Science Curator and other classrooms across the state to learn more about this growing field in science. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter-almost too small to fully comprehend-and objects on this scale are being considered in the medical, technology and consumer markets. You'll learn more about these amazing advances and students in the first 4 classes to register will be able to send specific questions to Dr. Pan to answer during the program.

To register go to .

Laurie Hogle or Lori Hamm . Connect2Texas is a service offered by Education Service Center Region XI
3001 North Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76106
(817) 740-3625