Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) presents
Talk about a Dirty Job: Be a Research Scientist! Friday, April 24th 1:30 - 2:10 PM CST
All sites will be view only!
Come face to face with Dr. John Janovec, botanist, teacher, and co-director of the Andes to Amazon Biodiversity Program, an in-depth research program currently being conducted in southeastern Peru. Dr. Janovec will share his mission and the purpose of this program along with anecdotes from the field that share the “dirt” from this dirty job. From hunting and collecting elegant and beautiful orchids to dissecting tapir poop, Dr. Janovec’s team contributes invaluable support to the efforts of conserving one of our planet’s most pristine and diverse ecosystems, the Amazon rainforest. This is a free view only event. However, if you send student questions at least one week ahead of time, Dr. Janovec can address as many questions as time allows.
Email your students questions to Pam Chamberlain (pchamberlain@brit.org ) .
Email your students questions to Pam Chamberlain (pchamberlain@brit.org ) .
Interactive FollowupTalk About a Dirty Job: Be a Research Scientist! Friday, April 24th2:20 - 3:00 PM CST
$60.00 per site
**You must register for BOTH sessions to participate in the followup**
For this session you will stay connected for an additional 40 minutes with Dr. Janovec to talk with him live about the first session from 1:30-2:10 PM CST and ask questions about his in-depth research program currently being conducted in southeastern Peru. This also will include a teacher packet to extend the videoconference experience.
Click here to register for view only session
Click here to register for the interactive followup session
To register go to http://www.connect2texas.net/ .
Click here to register for view only session
Click here to register for the interactive followup session
To register go to http://www.connect2texas.net/ .