Friday, March 13, 2009

Grades 7-12: From Binge to Blackout: A Mother and Son Struggle with Teen Drinking

FREE to NORT2H Members

2008-09 Special WVIZ/PBS
Distance Learning Presentation


“From Binge to Blackout: A Mother and Son Struggle with Teen Drinking”


Authors Chris and Toren Volkmann,
Dr. Mark Singer, Co-director Center on Substance and Mental Abuse, Case Western Reserve University
Mike Maloney Executive Director of New Directions
(an adolescent treatment facility)

Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 A.M.
Audience: High School and Middle School
Throughout his college years, Toren Volkmann partied like there was no tomorrow, having what was supposed to be the time of his life. Like so many parents, his mother, Chris, overlooked Toren’s growing alcohol problem. But when he graduated, Toren realized that he had become a full-blown alcoholic. And he was not alone. This book, written from the viewpoints of both mother and son, is a riveting, enlightening, and heartbreakingly true story of a family able to confront the fear, pain, and denial that threatened to destroy them---and survive the epidemic of teenage drinking that's putting America's future at risk. Join us on March 31 as Chris and Toren spill out the facts about our alcohol culture and drinking. They talk loud and clear about the glamorized drinking scene and the allure it has on kids and families. From Binge to Blackout calls us all out. It challenges each person to make a decision about drinking styles.
For additional information see:
Plan to join us via a distance learning link. The first six schools scheduled will be interactive. Other schools may participate via email questions. Schools interested in participating in this program should contact John Ramicone at 216-916-6360 or by
March 27th.
A program fee of $75.00 will be charged to schools not in the NOTA member districts. Please process a purchase to WVIZ/PBS Distance Learning, c/o John Ramicone, 1375 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland 44115 and fax a copy or the p.o. number to 216-916-6361.