Exploring Aeronautics: Learn about the forces involved in flying an aircraft through a directed inquiry lesson.
Date/ Time: March 9, 2009 at 8:30am PST (11:30am EST)
We invite all classes from grades 4-8 to participate in this hands-on lesson to explore the forces that allow an airplane to fly and maneuver. A NASA aerospace education specialist will guide your students through the process of making a foam airplane and the testing a variety of properties to determine the different forces that act upon it. Please see the website at: http://dln.nasa.gov/dln/content/catalog/details/?cid=1642 for all the details.
Cost: Free
Registration process: From the above link you can directly register – you will have to pick a future date which we will then adjust to March 9 when the request is received. You may also email me back with your schools and grade information. We have 5 slots available.Webcasting: No, unfortunately at this time we are unable to webcast this event and due to 508 compliancy we can not archive it for access later.Greg PitzerDigital Learning Network Coordinator NASA Ames Research CenterMS 253-2Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000Voice: 650-604-3292 FAX: 650-604-3445 http://www.blogger.com/Gregory.e.pitzer@nasa.gov