New Links News St. Louis author Pat McKissack does a three part Creative Writing series: the first v/c is with the participating teachers, to discuss goals and themes. The second & third v/c are with the students, where they talk with Pat about all there is to being an author. They learn the methods she uses when writing fiction. In the third v/c, students share their work with Pat and she provides a critique of the writing. The goal of the project is to introduce students to the process that authors use to write a book and to engage them in writing activities themselves that mirror this process.
The program fee has been reduced 20% - cost now is $600 for three interactive sessions.
Pat videoconferences live from Cooperating School Districts in St. Louis, Missouri, so all times listed are central- standard or daylight, depending on the time of year:
February 24, 4 pm
March 3, 9:30 or 11 am
March 17, 9:30 or 11 am
(please sign up by 2/18/09)
As you know, teachers select one time slot and use it for both sessions. Fall dates are grouped together, spring dates are grouped together. No mixing ‘n matching, please! Also, we limit each videoconference time slot to three schools, with no more than 30 kids at each site. If there are a variety of grade levels interested, we group accordingly. A former teacher, Pat works with elementary through high school students. This is an interactive writing series. To read more on past videoconferences, visit The Writer’s Workshop blog, Can You Imagine?, at http://www.authorvisit.wordpress.com/.
This school year marks Pat’s 10th anniversary of videoconferencing with New Links to New Learning and Cooperating School Districts! We hope you can join us as we start this new chapter! To sign up for the videoconference series, and to find out about pricing and connections, contact Rebecca Morrison at rmorrison@csd.org.
Some of the Show-Me Standards this series of videoconferences cover include: Goal 2 - Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.Communication Arts: 1. speaking and writing standard English; 5. comprehending and evaluating the content and artistic aspects of oral and visual presentations (such as story-telling, debates, lectures, multi-media productions); 6. participating in formal and informal presentations and discussions of issues and ideas
Rebecca Morrison
New Links to New Learning
p: 314.692.1274 f: 314.872.9128
Pat videoconferences live from Cooperating School Districts in St. Louis, Missouri, so all times listed are central- standard or daylight, depending on the time of year:
February 24, 4 pm
March 3, 9:30 or 11 am
March 17, 9:30 or 11 am
(please sign up by 2/18/09)
As you know, teachers select one time slot and use it for both sessions. Fall dates are grouped together, spring dates are grouped together. No mixing ‘n matching, please! Also, we limit each videoconference time slot to three schools, with no more than 30 kids at each site. If there are a variety of grade levels interested, we group accordingly. A former teacher, Pat works with elementary through high school students. This is an interactive writing series. To read more on past videoconferences, visit The Writer’s Workshop blog, Can You Imagine?, at http://www.authorvisit.wordpress.com/.
This school year marks Pat’s 10th anniversary of videoconferencing with New Links to New Learning and Cooperating School Districts! We hope you can join us as we start this new chapter! To sign up for the videoconference series, and to find out about pricing and connections, contact Rebecca Morrison at rmorrison@csd.org.
Some of the Show-Me Standards this series of videoconferences cover include: Goal 2 - Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.Communication Arts: 1. speaking and writing standard English; 5. comprehending and evaluating the content and artistic aspects of oral and visual presentations (such as story-telling, debates, lectures, multi-media productions); 6. participating in formal and informal presentations and discussions of issues and ideas
Rebecca Morrison
New Links to New Learning
p: 314.692.1274 f: 314.872.9128