Contact Information
Tim Gore
Tim Gore
School District of Clayton#2
Mark Twain Circle
Clayton, MO 63105
United States
Phone: (314) 773-6934
This is the second program in our ten part series with the Missouri Department of Transportation as they build a new bridge over the Missouri River at Glasgow, Missouri. Viewers may participate in one program or any combination of programs. All programs will be archived for on-demand viewing as well on our website.
Education: Grade(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
When you travel you notice there are all sorts of different shapes to bridges that span rivers, gorges, and highways. Have you ever wondered “Why did they build that kind of bridge here?” This program is designed to help you and your students answer that question. We’ll explore basic bridge shapes such as arch, beam, suspension, and cable-stayed. We’ll look at the forces of tension, compression, torsion, bending and shear that act on those bridge shapes. We’ll investigate how the purpose of the bridge, its geographic location, and materials used in its construction also help determine its final design. This is the second of our ten part series developed with the Missouri Department of Transportation as it builds a new bridge across the Missouri River at Glasgow, Missouri. Students will see examples of different types of bridges and engage in interactive discussion and activities with engineers who design and build bridges. We’ll look at examples of bridges from around the world and the specifics of the new bridge being built at Glasgow.
45 minutes
All times below are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, as specified in your profile.
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees
Interactive Cost: $0.00
This is the second program in our ten part series with the Missouri Department of Transportation as they build a new bridge over the Missouri River at Glasgow, Missouri. Viewers may participate in one program or any combination of programs. All programs will be archived for on-demand viewing as well on our website.
Education: Grade(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
When you travel you notice there are all sorts of different shapes to bridges that span rivers, gorges, and highways. Have you ever wondered “Why did they build that kind of bridge here?” This program is designed to help you and your students answer that question. We’ll explore basic bridge shapes such as arch, beam, suspension, and cable-stayed. We’ll look at the forces of tension, compression, torsion, bending and shear that act on those bridge shapes. We’ll investigate how the purpose of the bridge, its geographic location, and materials used in its construction also help determine its final design. This is the second of our ten part series developed with the Missouri Department of Transportation as it builds a new bridge across the Missouri River at Glasgow, Missouri. Students will see examples of different types of bridges and engage in interactive discussion and activities with engineers who design and build bridges. We’ll look at examples of bridges from around the world and the specifics of the new bridge being built at Glasgow.
45 minutes
All times below are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, as specified in your profile.
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees
Interactive Cost: $0.00
View Only Cost: $0.00
Since there may be a waiting list for interactive participation, please let us know of your need to cancel as soon as you know.
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