Join us for the first of the fall series of free interactive video conference professional
development workshops for teachers, librarians, curriculum coordinators, guidance
counselors, and technology coordinators. CEU certificates will be provided.
September 27, 3:30-4:30
The Tool for Real-Time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (TRAILS)
is an online tool which can be used to measure students' information seeking
abilities. It is a free. online test of multiple-choice questions assessing a
variety of information literacy skills appropriate for high school students.
The assessment is funded by ILILE.
Participants will learn how to create and manage an online account on
theTRAILS site and how the assessments and their results can be used to
help plan and evaluate collaborative lessons aligned with content standards.
Hear others discuss their uses of the tests as well.
For more information on TRAILS go to http://www.trails-9.org/
Presenter: Paula Baco, Library Media Specialist, Trumbull Career and
Technical Center
To schedule this video conference email Melissa Higgs-Horwell, Distance Learning Coordinator at the SCOCA ITC,
melissah@scoca-k12.org,with your contact information, video conference contact person, site name, DID number
and troubleshooting phone number. Or fax the form below to
740-289-2082, attention Melissa
School Building: ________________________ District:_________________________
Address: _____________________________ City: ________________Zip:_________
Person coordinating the videoconference: _______________________________________
E-mail address: ______________________________________________
Phone number at the site: (_____)_______________
ATM DID number: _________________________ Or IP Address _________________________
Name of system on state database ______________________________________________
Please note: We will send confirmation, connection information, handouts, evaluation
forms, and participation certificates to the person coordinating the
videoconference. If there are any additional questions, please contact
Melissa Higgs-Horwell, melissah@scoca-k12.org, phone: 800-634-8828