Who: Six Colleges – Tentatively:
BGSU, OSU, Kent State, University of Cincinnati, Miami University, LCCC
When: Tuesday, November 20th, 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Where: Via your IVDL system.
Program Information
Have your students visit with colleges from around the state via your IVDL system. On November 20th, students from Lorain County will visit with admissions officers to discover the course offerings, campus environment, and benefits of attending at several universities. Each 45-minute session will include a short overview of the campus, the programs available, and other related information to attending the college. Time will be provided for questions and answers so that students may ask specific questions.
Program Contact: Dave Miller, Lorain County Distance Learning Consortium, 440 324-3172, miller@esclc.org
Cost: Free to member schools of the Lorain County Distance Learning Consortium (LCDLC) and $50 for non-members.