Thursday, August 23, 2007

Free World-Wide Conference - MegaConference IX

Megaconference IX will be Nov 8, 2007, from 8am to 11pm EST (GMT-5). You are invited to participate, and if you wish, also submit a proposed interaction.

Call for Presentations (now called "Interactions")
Call for Participation
Call for MCUs.

The Megaconference is the world's largest video conference (400 locations around the world) and everyone in the world with H.323 or compatible equipment is invited to participate. See last years program for a complete listing of all the varied kinds of events that take place. A special new feature this year is the Flag of Earth, which symbolizes world togetherness and fits in well with the goals of the Megaconference.
The Megaconference is sponsored by the Internet2 Commons, and supported by many organizations and manufacturers and vendors. There is no cost for participation, and you need not be connected to Internet2.
Please forward this announcement to people and lists who you feel may be interested. Thanks!

You can get an idea of the type of interaction desired by looking at last year's program, at . Each interaction is 15 minutes long. Interactions which demonstrate new or novel applications of videoconferencing technology, increase world understanding, and are interactive are preferred. Musical presentations are also invited. The deadline for proposals is Sept 21, but please send your proposal in as soon as possible. A paragraph describing it is sufficient.
Videoconferencing is inherently an interactive medium, and to encourage that, we are using the term "interactions" rather than "presentations" to describe these parts of the Megaconference.
Each proposal is required to be interactive, involving at least a total of two locations.
Truly performance-based presentations such as music, dance etc need not involve more than one site, but it is still encouraged.
General registration for the event is also open as of later today. Registration closes Oct 18.
See both to register as a participant, and to propose an interaction.
The Megaconference requires a large network of MCUs around the world, and we are also asking MCU managers to volunteer their capabilities to help in this huge event. Please contact Gabe Moulton in that regard (
See you then!
Robert S. Dixon, Ph D, PE
Chief Research Engineer
Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARNet)andOhio State University
Office of the CIO
Office Telephone: 614-292-1638
Fax: 614-292-7081