Friday, March 9, 2012

Gr 6-8 FREE Middle School Programs from Kids Creating Community Content Contest ~ KC3

FREE Student Programs created by students for students from the KC3 (Kids Creating Community Content) Contest.  Below are programs now open for scheduling and posted on the CILC website.  You can search all programs or narrow your search by category or grade level.  One class will be scheduled to each program and you must complete a successful equipment test before you are confirmed as an audience site.  Here's a list of the available Middle School Programs now open!
To view all available programs visit:

Middle School Programs Grades 6, 7, 8,

Passing Gas: Marcellus Style!    Target Audience: Grades 6, 7, 8     Natural Gas. No, not the kind we make, but the gas that will be powering America for several generations. Over the past 10 years, large natural gas deposits have begun to be fracked(tapped into) from New York to Tennessee. This area is considered the Marcellus Shale region and has affected everyone living in this area. From poisoned water supplies, imminent earthquakes, and clean energy, we will be presenting all the pros and cons of the Marcellus Shale industry in a fun documentary format. Our information will include drilling, laws and regulations, and the wonderful resource of natural gas.

The Other Side of Paradise  Target Audience: Grades 7, 8, 9, 10   Our program topic is about the issues of homelessness in Hawaii. Hawaii is a relatively nice place because of its nice warm weather. That may also be why Hawaii has a homeless problem. But with the governments and other organizations' help, we can help reduce the number of homeless in Hawaii. During our program, we're going to teach everyone about the issue of homelessness in  span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif, SansSerif; font-size: 12px; ">Hawaii

Report for Duty - Camp Barkeley: World War II Training Ground     Target Audience: Grades 6, 7, 8    Answer the call of duty and accept your assignment at Camp Barkeley where over fifty thousand troops trained for World War II in Taylor County, Texas. Additionally, several hundred Ger an prisoners of war were housed at the camp, and a few successfully escaped for a short period of time. Join us to learn what life was like training to go to battle during World War II and the impact Camp Barkeley had on the surrounding region.

Stolen Childhood: The German Holocaust  Target Audience: Grades 6, 7, 8    Everything that was normal, is now history; long gone. I had supportive friends, a happy family, a wonderful house, a perfect boyfriend, and a great education, but it's all vanishing. Imagine not during the holocaust. Jewish people lost their right, family, friends, even their lives because of their religion. This program will teach you about the lives of children's childhood during the holocaust. Forced into hiding, Hitler youth, and concentration camps. Everything that they loved is destroyed now. What would your life be like during the holocaust? Sign up for our session and you'll find out all the troubling facts about kids in the holocaust.

Rollercoaster 'Rithmetic  Target Audience: Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8    Come join us on a rollercoaster ride of a lifetime! Experience a world of math and science while facing the Boardwalk Bullet or the Inverter! These o e of a kind rides at the Kemah Boardwalk in Galveston will excite you as you experience them through virtual reality. The 7th and 8th grade Gifted and Talented class will show you that learning to use math and science in daily activities is very invigorating and enhances your ability to apply the concepts to daily life.
Peanut Butter and Traffic Jam  Target Audience: Grade 7, 8, 9,10   Traffic has become a huge problem in Hawaii. With that being said, many people spend over an hour in traffic a day. Our program will focus the traffic problems that we are having in Hawaii. We will be sharing with you all of the possible outcomes that Hawaii is contemplating and that Hawaii is maybe going to choose.