What was it like to be a Jew in Europe prior to World War II? How was your life different from non-Jews? What did you know about the regime in Nazi Germany and what happened to you as a result of its rule? What was it like to be sent away from your parents on the Kindertrasnport or to stay in your home country and be taken away to a concentration camp? What was life like in the camps? What did it mean to be liberated? For this very special program, take your study of World War II and the Holocaust to individuals who lived through them. Ask these questions and more as you interact with Holocaust survivors.
Our focus in this program will not be exploring the historic details of World War II or the Holocaust, but it will be to provide students the rare and important opportunity to speak directly with those who lived during that time and survived to share their experiences with others. This program will come live from the Holocaust Museum and Learning Center in St. Louis. The program will also include information about resources available through the Center.
Dates/Times | |
Program Date | Program Time | Network Time | Registration Deadline | |
All times below are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, as specified in your profile.
1/27/2012 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM | 01/20/2012 | |
1/27/2012 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM | 01/20/2012 |
How To View the Program:
People can join the program live in any of three ways:
1. Via videconference--We have interactive and view only videoconference slots available for student groups to join the program. Groups interested in connecting this way will need a videoconference unit at their facility, and we would need to test your connection with our bridge at MOREnet ahead of the program using the IP address you'd use to connect on the program day. Interactive slots get face to face question and answer time with the program guests; view only slots can e-mail questions and comments during the program to live@hectv.org. These slots are limited so early enrollment is highly recommended. For videoconference participation, we must have you enrolled no later than January 20. Contact us at live@hectv.org. http://is.gd/Ll2003
Interactive Cost: $0.00
2. Via Internet--All our HEC-TV Live! programs are streamed live via the station website, http://www.hectv.org, on the program day. For our programs focused on the Holocaust at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Central Time on January 27 just go to our home page at the program time and the program will run on that page. Since many schools limit streaming video through their firewalls, we recommend testing your ability to view the stream prior to the program by watching one of HEC-TV’s archived programs at http://www.hectv.org. We also recommend viewing the program live on one computer only and connecting that computer to a television or digital projector for classroom viewing. Viewers can e-mail their questions and comments during the program to us at live@hectv.org. To receive curriculum materials designed to help you prepare your students for the program, just e-mail us prior to the program at live@hectv.org.
3. Via Television--All our programs are available in the St. Louis metropolitan area on HEC-TV, Charter Communications digital channels 989 or 118-26. All our programs can also be seen on AT&T’s U-Verse channel 99. Students viewing in this way can e-mail their questions during the program to live@hectv.org. To view the show live on the program day, just turn on your TV to the appropriate channel.
For Internet and TV viewing, there is no enrollment deadline date. We would appreciate knowing the time of the program you are watching and the grade level and amount of students involved so we can forward that information to our program partners. Such information is extremely helpful in securing funding for more free, interactive, educational programs in the future. To let us know you’re viewing the program or to answer any additional questions about the program, please contact us at live@hectv.org.
Archival Viewing:
Can’t join us live? No problem! All HEC-TV Live! programs are archived on the station website, http://www.hectv.org and on the HEC-TV page on iTunesU for on-demand viewing at any time. Archives are usually up and running about a week after the program's original air date.
Update has been taken from the CILC weekly Updates at www.cilc.org