Thursday, September 1, 2011

Astronaut Videoconference + Webcast September 22nd, 2011 2-3 PM EDT

Blast  Back to School with Astronaut Bob Cabana: Join Host Damon Talley and his guest Astronaut Bob Cabana September 22, 2011 form 2-3 PM EDT to learn more about his experiences in space and what it takes to be an astronaut. Five lucky classes  will be allowed to interact with Astronaut Cabana LIVE.  The program will also be webcast on the DLiNfochannel.  The target audience for this program is students in grades 5-9.

ONLY AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 22, 2011 2:00-3:00 PM EDT. Students will have a chance to talk to former Astronaut and current Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana and learn about his career as an astronaut. Five schools will be chosen to connect interactively to the videoconference. This events is for grades 4-9 and ONLY schools that have students in this grade range will be allowed to participate interactively. The event will also be webcast for all other schools and students who are interested in viewing the programs. Please see the video conference activities section below for information about how to register for this special event. Anyone wishing to register for this program MUST also be a registered user of the DLN! If you are NOT a registered user, please go to our homepage and become a registered user FIRST.

This program requires H.323 videoconferenicng (Tandberg, Polycom, Lifesize, etc.) to connect as an active participant.  If you do not have H.323 hardware you can still watch the simultaneous webcast.          

To apply for this event please visit:

To watch the webcast only please visit the DLiNfo Channel on our website:

Best Regards,

Damon Talley, M.S.
Digital Learning Network Education Specialist
NASA Kennedy Space Center
Mail Code: OSU
KSC, FL 32899
(321) 867-1748