Connect to an operating room and watch a total knee replacement surgery live from your school. Students will interact with the surgical staff and learn more about different medical careers. 90 minutes.
Cost: Interactive $275 per connection (includes kit of materials for 30 students - additional kits are $105 each)
View Only $225 per connection (includes kit of materials for 30 students - additional kits are $105 each)
For more information, please visit
To make a reservation, please visit
Times Available:
May 20 at 11:00am ET
April 27 at 8:45am ET and 11:00am ET
May 11 at 8:45am ET and 11:00am ET
May 20 at 8:45am ET and 11:00am ET
Jessica Teng
Videoconferencing Coordinator
COSI Columbus
614-228-2674 ext. 2155