Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grades 4-12: COUNTRY STUDIES from Vanderbilt Virtual School

COUNTRY STUDIES from Vanderbilt Virtual School. ALL of these videoconferences are offered at both 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM (central time).

COST is $75, and the length of the videoconference is 45 minutes long. Format is 25-30 minutes for the presentation and 15-20 minutes for question and answer session with the students.

REGISTER online: http://www.vanderbilt.edu/virtualschool/registration.htm

We encourage you to use the lesson plans on the website that are available for each videoconference to help prepare students for these videoconferences.

COUNTRIES: WINDOWS ON THE WORLD (students in grades 4-12)

Wednesday, March 16

"CHINA: Xinjiang Province"

Stacey Irvin, photographer and world traveler

Wednesday, March 30


Harry Anderson, world traveler and retired Social Studies teacher

Tuesday, April 26


Catherine Kelly, veteran Social Studies Teacher and former President of Geographic Alliance