An Acid or Base?
Understanding the pH Scale
a video conference offered on
Friday, November 5
at 9:15, 10:30, 1:00, and 2:15
Click for the registration form
Subject area: Science
Grade levels: 5, 6
Description: Why does acid rain eat away at limestone and marble? How come most cleaning products contain a base? Answer these questions and more as we explore the pH scale. Students will have a chance to observe hands-on experiments and determine for themselves if each mystery solution is an acid or a base. During our discussion, we will also cover what constitutes an acid and base and characteristics of each.
When? Each program is 50 minutes and is offered at 9:15, 10:30, 1:00, and 2:15
Cost? $50 per session for SOITA Comprehensive Member schools; $75 per session for all others
Limit? Yes, each session is limited to four schools. Registration is on a first-come basis
Questions? Contact or call 937-746-6333