Astronomy Day is made possible by Michael R. Levy and The Meyer Levy Charitable Foundation
Cost: FREE
Description: On October 12-15, Education Service Center Region 11 host of Connect2Texas, and the Frank N. Bash Visitors Center at McDonald Observatory invite K-8 students and their teachers to celebrate Astronomy Day 2010 during this special interactive video conference program. This year, the theme of Astronomy Day is solar astronomy. All sessions will include real-time observations of the Sun, weather permitting, and a Q&A period with McDonald Observatory facilitator Marc Wetzel. We hope that our Astronomy Day video conference will excite your students about science and technology.
Materials: Download the Student Sun Drawing Sheet for each student to complete during the video conference at
Dates: Oct. 12-15
Times: 9:00-9:45, 10:00-10:45, 11:00-11:45, 1:00-1:45 or 2:00-2:45 CST
To register go to