Recruiters from the Historically Black Colleges and Universities are divided into two groups and broadcast from one location. Your site can connect with these two groups of recruiters to learn more about these historic and prestigious institutions. These recruiters offer college-bound students information on individual schools, scholarship opportunities, general college application information, including hints and tips for applicants; and information on college and university life.
Connecting students are encouraged to do basic research on the institutions (an electronic booklet will be provided) and develop and prepare thoughtful questions that can be shared during the round-robin Q and A sessions. This is an excellent time to introduce your students to the world of college recruiters and the educational world beyond high school.
Date: 9/30/2010
Time: 8:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Registration Deadline: 09/16/2010
Cost: FREE
Registration is done through the CILC website
Tonia Carriger
251 East Ohio Street, #960
Indpls, IN 46204
United States
Phone: (317) 231-6587
Fax: (317) 231-6530